Updated Community Analytics Dashboard
We’re excited to announce the latest addition to the Community Analytics Dashboard, including:
- Engagement comparison
Organizers now have the ability to view Community-related actions and Event-related actions in the dashboard to help them analyze the growth of their communities over a period of time and compare event metrics. Organizers can use this data in order to improve the performance of their events and communities going forward.
- User Activity
Depending on the organizer's selection in the “content” section above, the data is displayed for the community and/or selected events. This section outlines the active user numbers in a community over a period of time and throughout various events that were hosted by the community.
Having a clear overview of the peak times that users are active throughout the event can help event organizers improve and promote engagement or user activities at future events.
- Number of logins by device
As with the Event Analytics Dashboard, this section represents the app usage per platform. Event organizers are able to see how users are accessing the event (whether they’re using the web app, iOS, or Android) and the percentage of users this represents compared to the overall number.
- Networking
In line with data on the Event Analytics Dashboard, Community related networking statistics are available to organisers on the Community analytics dashboard.
- Contact Scoring
Similarly to the event analytics, the Contact Scoring section provides an overview of the number of contacts that have received a score, ranging from 1 - 5 stars and the representative % of the total number. Organizers also have an overview of the average score based on the total number of scorings. This scoring can be a great indicator of whether attendees have embraced connecting with others within the community and how relevant they consider their connections to be.
Stay tuned for more exciting Community Dashboard improvements to become available soon!