Crowd Connected Improvement: Geo Module Addition To Enable GPS Positioning
We’re excited to announce a major improvement to the CrowdConnected integration: the addition of GeoModule to Crowd Connected, which allows users to leverage GPS for positioning for events that don't provide beacons for example.
The GeoModule enables users to leverage their GPS coordinates to identify their location and create a personalized event experience, such as sending them notifications when entering or quitting a defined area.
This addition is a great improvement to the existing feature: Geolocation and Geofencing with CrowdConnected technology. Organizers will still benefit from the possibility of defining virtual boundaries within a floor plan. By creating geofences, they can deliver personalized and context-aware experiences to visitors. As a reminder, this feature allows organizers to send relevant notifications based on specific locations, geofencing ensures that guests receive tailored information and offerings based on their whereabouts.