Exclude leads from specific Exhibitors’ reports
Today, organizers already have control over which reports are available to exhibitors within the Exhibitor Center. Organizers can choose to enable or disable these reports from the Studio on a group or individual exhibitor level.
Organizers also have the ability to exclude people from the Leads Report based on conditions, such as:
- People custom fields
- Terms
- Connection initiator
If an organizer decides to exclude certain individuals who meet these conditions from the Leads Report available in the Exhibitor Center, these leads will be excluded from all enabled by the organizer reports.
Organizers will now be able to select the condition under which individuals should be excluded and apply this to a particular report (rather than all enabled reports).
e.g. Exclude people who have not consented to “Term A” from the following Reports: “Visited or bookmarked your exhibitor page” and “Watched the sponsored sessions online”.
This enhancement will allow for further customization of the Leads Reports, where the organizer will remain fully in control of the information available to the Exhibitors within an event.