Analytics Dashboard at Community level
We’re happy to announce the release of our new Community Analytics Dashboard, which allows you to get insights and analyze data pertaining to a Community, allowing you to gauge its success, as well as the engagement of the Community Members.
The first release of the Community analytics dashboard includes the following metrics:
- Number of CY Members: the number of community members from the date the community was created to the present
- People Online Now: the number of people currently online within the community
- Active Users: the number of users within the community from the date the community was created to the present
- Average number of sessions attended - the average number of sessions a community member has attended
We will continue to work towards delivering more essential metrics and statistics to help our organizers grow their communities. We have the following releases lined up which will be available shortly after the initial release:
- Selection of Content and Timeframe: organizers will be able to select the content they’d like to analyze e.g. only Community-related actions and statistics; Community and event statistics; or event-only related statistics. This will give organizers the ability to compare and improve their events as well as the performance of their communities going forward.
Stay tuned as more exciting Community dashboard improvements become available shortly!